Track updates

Read about track updates to protect Kauri trees from disease caused by the PA pathogen - Phytophthora agathidicida, commonly known as 'kauri dieback'.

Which tracks are open or closed?

The landowner or manager usually publish track opening and closure information on their websites. They can tell you if a track is open or closed and when it may reopen, if known. 

Some landowners or managers who have recently closed tracks to protect kauri trees, and may close tracks in future, include:

Why do tracks close to protect kauri trees?

Landowners and managers may close tracks or restrict access to:

  • protect kauri trees in areas where there is a high risk of spreading the disease
  • upgrade the track to better protect kauri roots, for example with boardwalks or fences
  • add or improve cleaning stations
  • reduce the spread of mud in wet weather.


Who decides to close tracks to protect kauri trees?

The landowner or manager makes the decision to close a track – for instance the Department of Conservation, mana whenua - Māori with the right to make decisions about an area - or a regional council.

Mana whenua may also restrict public access to an area to protect kauri trees. This protective restriction on an area of land or water, or on a resource, is often called a rāhui.

Please respect track closures and rāhui – they are vital to the protection of kauri forests or kauri trees.

Tiakina Kauri within Biosecurity New Zealand is part of the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) but it does not manage land and does not decide to close tracks.