A focused desktop literature review to identify research opportunities for developing an effective pH-based alkaline solution that is practical and can be operationalised to deactivate oospores of Phytophthora agathidicida. This follows on from the research carried out by Dick and Kimberley (2013, unpub.), which showed that exposure of P. agathidicida oospores to a pH level of 9 for 24 hours reduced viability to levels below all other treatments, and that there were no viable oospores after 48 hours’ exposure to pH 9 or pH 10.
A number of alkaline-based solutions have been used around the world in the fight against plant diseases. However, the caustic nature of alkaline-based chemicals presents a challenge for off-label use of p.H based products in kauri forest. Environmental and non-target impacts, human health implications make p.H based solutions inappropriate for the management of spot infestations in kauri forest. Spot spray treatments in greenhouse/semi-industrial settings; in-situ water treatment using pond systems and the use of lime in certain situations are possible opportunities for further research.