Independent review of the state of Kauri Dieback knowledge
Title information
A. Black, I. Dickie
Research provider
Lincoln University
To assess the knowledge of kauri dieback research, including sharing and aligning matauranga Maori, understanding of disease distribution, tools for managing the disease, use of regulatory tools and understanding the effectiveness of interventions.
Key knowledge gaps identified and well resolved areas and recommendations on future research directions outlined. Shift focus from a single pathogen approach to looking at multiple drivers. A number of recommendations were made in regards to increasing research in certain areas (e.g. role of other drivers; alternative hosts; long term demographic modelling; broader forest ecology & demography; diversify investment to seek better diagnostic tools; matauranga Maori; economic & social implications) while other research areas are deemed to be of lower priority (e.g. management/control tools; host resistance and susceptibility; vector research).